Why Day Trading Margin Requirements are Important

May 14, 2020

The primary purpose of the day-trading margin rules is to require that certain levels of equity be deposited and maintained in the margin accounts of Day Traders, and that these levels be sufficient to support the risks associated with day-trading activities. It was determined that the prior day-trading margin rules did not adequately address the risks inherent in certain patterns of day trading and had encouraged practices, such as the use of cross-guarantees, that did not require customers to demonstrate actual financial ability to engage in day trading.

Most margin requirements are calculated based on a customer’s securities positions at the end of the trading day. A customer who only day trades does not have a security position at the end of the day upon which a margin calculation would otherwise result in a margin call. Nevertheless, the same customer has generated financial risk throughout the day. The day-trading margin rules address this risk by imposing a margin requirement for day trading that is calculated based on a day trader’s largest open position (in dollars) during the day, rather than on his or her open positions at the end of the day.


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